
Launched March 26th 2002!
Get Paid to Read Emails
All Emails worth between 0.25 and 2 cent
Get Paid to Visit Sites + Paid Manualhits!
Earn up to $1 per Free Signup! More then $80 to earn with Free Offers!
Earn points for FREE advertising, optional.
No Activity needed To earn Referral Earnings! (Only click 1 link each 30 days to stay active)
International Members Welcome
$8 Payout for Non-Gold Members
No-Minimum Payout for Gold Members
Payouts Paypal within 10 Days!
2 Cent Per Direct Referral
6 Referral Levels
Level 1 = 15% - Level 2 = 10%
Level 3 = 5% - Level 4 = 3%
Level 5 = 2% - Level 6 = 1%


0.03 Sign-up bonus
Mailuri si bannere de la 0.25c in sus
1 nivel de referali: 25%
Plata se face la 1$ in PayPal


FREE Membership
No minimum E-gold Payout!
Low $1 LibertyReserve, Paypal and Alertpay Payout
Earn extra money playing games
High Rewarding USA/Search Country Signup Offers!
Earn Reading Our eMails
Get Paid for Clicking on ads
Get Paid for sign-ups
Complete tasks with the toolbar and earn money
Payouts through E-gold, LibertyReserve, PayPal and Alertpay
Payouts will be made weekly!
Earn extra money playing games
Get Paid To Promote $0.75 per 1,000 Credits! No Minimum Payout


Paid to read, paid to click, paid to sign-up, paid to promote.
Limita de payout in e-gold 1 cent.
Mailuri de la 0.25 centi in sus, paid to sign-up de 10 si 25 de centi, paid to click de la 0.1 No Minimum Payout


Minium de plata 5 euro ( plata automata fara cerere)
Bonus de inscriere : 200 de puncte
3 nivele de referali 20% / 15% / 10%
+ 10 puncte pentru nivel 1
Modalitati de plata: moneybookers

Cum castigati :
1) Pentru fiecare ciclu de 25 minute primiti 2 pct.
Puneti linkul de startpage pe care il primiti in mail: cu refresh la 26 min(1560 secunde).
2) - pentru Bannere 3-4 puncte
Vizitati toate bannerele la intervalul corespunzator (bannerele de la sectiunea "Paidbanner & Paidlinks" din linkul de la pct. anerior)
3) - pentru mail 10 puncte
Clickati pe linkul din mail.
Trebuie sa lasati popurile sa intre.
Punctele sunt transformate in euro la sfarsitul lunii.

Indrumar inscriere :
Benutzername: => Username
Passwort: => Pasword
Passwort wiederholen: => Repeta pasword
Trebuie sa bifati unde scrie " Ich habe die Regeln gelesen und zur Kenntniss genommen" Dupa care apasati pe butonul pe care scrie "Weiter"
Name: Nume
Vorname: Prenume
Strasse: Strada
Hausnummer: Numar
PLZ: Cod postal
Ort: Oras
E-Mail: e-mail
Si iar "weiter"
Restul e simplu , data de nastere, iar la
Bank: Puneti Moneybookers sau PayPal
Kontonummer: Contul de la Moneybookers sau Paypal
Bankleitzahl: nu completati

Veti primi un mail cu linkul pt start si pt referal
pt start va fi de forma :
Copiati acest link in browser (nu trebuie sa va logati) apoi deschideti toate bannerele si setati fiecare pagina corespunzator.

Ideal e sa lasati calculatorul cand mai mult deschis ... browserul n-o sa va deranjeze la reload !!
Plata se face la sfarsitul lunii .. cand punctele se vor transforma in bani (min 5e ptr. cashout) !!

Paid To Click

We will pay you for clicking on links.
Two Referral levels
$1 Minimum Payout via PayPal
17,916 Members, $1,902.85 Paid
Available worldwide
Free To Join

Welcome to Paid To Click!

Paid To Click

Esti platit pentru click-uri
2 nivele de referali
1$ Minim payout
Plata se face automat in PayPal
Pentru a va inscrie click pe urmatorul banner:

Welcome to Paid To Click!


We offer Domain Registration and Web Hosting solutions to establish your web presence at prices you can afford!

Our web hosting plans are designed with premium features at great prices.
Our domain name services are unbeatable, with registration prices as low as $6.99 and an easy to use domain management system.
We offer reseller hosting and domain name reseller plans as well.

Welcome to Gsa-Host!


PayPal - lider al solutiilor de plata online (sistemul este folosit de Ebay si in lumea PTC, PTR, etc.), ofera persoanelor fizice si juridice posesoare a unei adrese de e-mail, posibilitatea de a efectua si/sau primi plati online, usor, rapid si in deplina siguranta. Serviciul este construit pe structura financiara deja existenta a conturilor bancare si a card-urilor de credit/debit. Pentru a functiona in deplina siguranta,in timp real si la nivel global, PayPal ultilizeaza cel mai avansat sistem de prevenire a fraudelor.
Pentru a va inscrie click pe urmatorul banner:

Sign up for PayPal and start accepting credit card payments instantly.


$2.66 Payout
Paid to Promte $0.80 CPM
Emailurile valoreaza de la 0.016 la $0.0166
Clickurile valoreaza de la 16 puncte la 26 puncte si de la 0.1 centi la 1.66 centi
Bonus la inscriere $0.066 si 66 puncte
Ref Bonus $0.01 si 6.6 puncte
Concursuri lunare de peste $15
Refer level 10%-5%
Pentru a va inscrie click pe urmatorul banner:

Welcome to Cash Launcher!


$2.66 Payout for free member
Paid to Promte $0.80 CPM
Emails worth 0.016 Cents to $0.0166
Paid to Click worth 16 Points to 26 Points and 0.1 cent to 1.66 cent
Tier 1&2 PTC Section click more
Signup Bonus $0.066 and 66 points & Ref Bonus $0.01 and 6.6points
Every month click contest worth $15+
Refer level 10%-5%

Welcome to Cash Launcher!